[EDIT]Bag System Improved! It's More Convenient Now!

The bag system has been improved with 3 categories of bag slots now, "Equipment", "Tools", and "Collectibles".

Furthermore, if you are using the Auto-Discard Item feature, newly obtained items can be discarded automatically based on the condition you have set, however this only applies to equipment items.

We hope this improved bag and storage system will ease and make your adventure more convenient!

★:Tips for Using the Bag & Storage

★:About Temporary Bag

★:Bag Slot Addition

★:Setting the "Auto-Discard" Feature

Tips for Using the Bag & Storage

Open the bag or storage and swipe to scroll.
Furthermore, a filter feature has also been added to both the bag and storage.
This feature allows you to filter and see items in the "Equipment", "Tools" or "Collectibles" category separately.

When obtaining an item, the item will be automatically stored in the bag or storage under the category it belongs to.
Make sure to take full advantage of this feature!

Bag Display Option

Turn on "View All Category" to show "Equipment", "Tools", and "Collectibles" at the same time.

How to Lock Items

The locked item cannot be "deleted, processed, sold or traded".

Tap [Items > Select the item to lock > Lock] to lock item.
After locking the item, the lock button will turn into an unlock button which can be used to unlock the item.

Avatar Search

Names and abilities granted with "Fairy Sewing Tool" can be used to search avatars.

If you are equipping an avatar, you can search avatar from [Character > Equipment > Avatar > Select an avatar > Tap the Back button at the top left of the screen (or the arrow button at the bottom right of the screen) > Avatar Search].

If you are not equipping an avatar, you can search avatar from [Character > Equipment > Avatar > Select an avatar slot > Avatar Search].

Please check "this news" for more details on Fairy Sewing Tool.

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About Temporary Bag

You will not be able to obtain new items if your bag for each category (Equipment/Tools/Collectibles) is full.
However, when you receive a "rare item" or "quest reward" and the bag (for the category the item belongs to) is full, it will be kept in the temporary bag. There are 20 slots in the temporary bag.

Ex: If rare equipment is dropped when your "Equipment" bag is full, the equipment will be kept in the temporary bag and you can obtain it. Items other than rare equipment will not be kept.

*Items will be dropped even if there are items left in the temporary bag as long as there are some free slots in the bag the items are going into.
*Item trading and some features cannot be used if there are items left in the temporary bag.

Using the Temporary Bag

When all of the item slots are occupied, a "MAX icon" will appear above the chat box.
Open the item list, select the temporary bag, then choose "To Bag" or "Discard".

*A free slot in the bag (category) is required to move the item.
*If you choose "Discard", the discarded item will not be returned.

Auto-Discard for Temporary Bag

The items in the temporary bag will automatically be discarded under the following conditions.

・Items will automatically be discarded starting from the oldest one when new items are coming into the bag after 20 slots have been occupied.
・Items that have remained in the temporary bag for 14 days will also be discarded automatically.

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Bag Slot Addition

Number of bag slots added to each category.

Bag Expansion+25+250
Standard Ticket+15+150
Leveling Ticket+10+100
With Orbs+20+200

*The slots added for purchasing a 30-Day Ticket will only be available while the ticket is active.
*If you have expanded your bag before the maintenance on 11/11/2021, the number of slots for "Equipment" and "Tools" will automatically be added accordingly.

How to Add Bag Slot for Collectibles

You can add bag slot for collectibles from [Item > Add a Slot (on the top right) > Add a slot for collectibles].

Bag slots for collectibles cannot be added with the purchase of 30-Day Tickets or Orbs, but you can use Spinas or required materials to add them.

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Setting the "Auto-Discard" Feature

We have added a bag feature that allows items to be automatically discarded.
You will be able to automatically discard the new item (equipment only) you get based on the condition you have set.

Auto-Discard Item Options

No Slot
Keep/DiscardYou can choose to auto-discard the item based on the presence of slot.
Poor Ability
Keep/If it is +10% or less/If it is +20% or less/If it is +30% or less/If it is +40% or less/If it is +50% or less/If it is +60% or less/If it is +70% or less/If it is +80% or less/If it is +90% or lessYou can choose to auto-discard the item based on the value of its ability.
Keep/Discard from no.2/Discard from no.3/Discard from no.4You can choose to auto-discard the same item if you have already got a certain number of them.

You can set the item to be discarded automatically from [Settings > Auto-Item].

The item will automatically be discarded based on the condition you choose.

*Locked, Favorites, and Created Items are excluded from being auto-discarded.
*For 2-slot equipment and equipment with color info, all conditions will be ignored and the items will be obtained.
Please see "this news" for more details about color info.
*All the conditions you have set will be ignored and items will be obtained when a Holy Gem that has the effect of raising item drop rate is in use.

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